In need of a low-prep activity for your Thanksgiving family feast, virtual gathering, or simple get together? Keep score or just have fun! Get to know family and friends with a twist on trivia and center the questions on family friend favorites, odd facts you might not all know, and goofy talents! Read on to check it out!
You can definitely get into some fun details like which aunt or uncle caused the most trouble as kids, who has -at some point – almost burned Thanksgiving Dinner, etc…
BUT we opted for some other lighter topics:
- Who has the most convincing (not loud) “Gobble Gobble”???
- Who has the most convincing turkey walk???
- Who can make the most words out of “THANKSGIVING”
- Who can eat the most turkey in one sitting?
- Who can eat the most pie in one sitting?
- Out of everyone at this table, who loves their veggies the most?
- How many of our family and friends here have cooked a turkey at some point in their life?
- How many of our family and friends here have carved a turkey at some point in their life?
- Has anyone at this gathering never eaten a turkey?
- Who in the family is going to get the best deals tomorrow at Black Friday?
- Who at the table can say “Happy Turkey Day” in a different language?
- Who can say this tongue-twister 5x fast? “Dining on Delicious Drumsticks and Delectable Desserts”
- Counting everyone here, how many different cities all together have we all spent at least 1 Thanksgiving?
- How many here take their coffee or tea with sugar? What about milk???
- Autumn! Is it anyone’s favorite season here at this table?
- Who would rather have pecan pie than apple pie? What about pumpkin pie?
- Whose favorite dessert is chocolate?
- Who has already started listening to Holiday Music 🙂
If you’ve got the time, you can also get more specific with family members if they’ve have a few topics they like talking about, e.g. How many different countries as Aunt So-And-So travelled to? What was last book Grandpa finished reading? etc.. Have fun with it!
We created some cards for the trivia topics that we picked. There is also a page of blank cards to write in your own trivia 🙂 Feel free to use them for your own personal use 🙂
Scatter them across the dinner table for light-hearted chatter & fun or use them as it’s own activity after everyone is stuffed!

Thank you so much for checking out our Thanksgiving article. We hope this has helped with your holiday planning and maybe even inspired more ideas!
If you’re looking for more Thanksgiving Ideas, feel free to check out our other posts here and follow us on Pinterest.
Happy Thanksgiving!
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