Looking for a simple craft for your little butterfly & caterpillar enthusiast or want to integrate an easy activity into your butterfly-themed lesson? This super easy wiggle pipe cleaner caterpillar is simple, requires only a few materials, and can be done in mere minutes!
If you’re looking for more DIY butterfly-themed crafts for kids, check out our list here: Easy DIY Butterfly Crafts. We’ve also got some parties and at home camps themed around butterflies that you can browse through here: All Things Butterflies

- 3-4 Green Pipe Cleaners
- 1 Read Pipe Cleaner
- 1 Pencil/Straw/Dowel
STEP 1: Start Making the Body
Start with the green pipe cleaner and loop it around the pencil until you get to almost the end of the pipe cleaner

STEP 2: Continue the Body
Once you get to the end of the first pipe cleaner, fold it over the other end of the second pipe cleaner. Since they’re both green, you won’t be able to tell – at a glance – where they end. You can see this a bit more clearly with two separate colors (see image with the blue & pink).
Continue with this technique until you get to about an inch from the end of the pencil.

STEP 4: Set up the Head
Using the same folding technique, attach the red pipe cleaner to the last green one. Continue looping the red around the pencil.

STEP 5: Remove the pencil
Now, carefully remove the pipe cleaners from the pencil by sliding them off. Your pipe cleaners should remain together.
STEP 6: Create the Head & Shape the Caterpillar
Fold the red pipe cleaner over to give the caterpillar more of a “head” shape. Now, shape the pipe cleaners into more of a ‘caterpillar’ shape! And you now have a wiggly pipe cleaner

Thank you so much for checking out our article about this simple butterfly themed craft. If you’re looking for more DIY butterfly-themed crafts for kids, check out our list here: Easy DIY Butterfly Crafts. We’ve also got some parties and DIY at home camps if you’re looking for more involved projects. Check them out here: All Things Butterflies.