Welcome to our “An Extraordinary Exploration of the Ocean – A Complete & Exciting at Home Ocean Themed Camp Week” series. For this week, we focused on a few Ocean, Deep Sea, and Water Creature topics. Read through to check out how to ways to decorate your camp area, links to interactive online games, fun & educational videos, books, writing prompts, experiments, food crafts & snacks, and kid-friendly crafts all themed for the week!
Feel free to pick certain days or follow the entire week – as long as it gets the kiddos to keep learning while they’re having an amazing time!
DAY ONE: Set-up the “Camp Area”
We usually start of the week by introducing the topic and setting up the camp area. It’s a pretty easy day (think of it like the first day of school – a day to get acclimated )
Day 1 for our Ocean & Sea Camp focused on a few things: Creating an Ocean Background (link coming soon), Reading a few kid-friendly informative web sites (Ocean Facts for Kids, Ocean Facts – this one comes with an interactive quiz at the bottom), and snacking on goldfish 🙂

DAY TWO: A Deep Dive into Ocean Layers
For Day 2 of our Ocean Camp Week, we took a “deep dive” into ocean layers: what they were, what the difference between them was, and what sea creatures lived far below. We had a day filled with reading, writing, crafting, and science experients. Click here to check out our the day in detail: A Dive Into Ocean Layers, the Deep Sea, and Learning About Sea Creatures!

DAY THREE: Swimming with the Sharks
For Day 3, we visited a popular water fish – the sharks! Though they may seem quite scary in real life, they seem to be a favorite – at least in this household. We devoted a day to learning all about the different types of sharks and building with a few of our own Lego ones 🙂 Click here to view the day in more detail: A Day “Swimming” with the Sharks

DAY FOUR: Save the Ocean – A Day on Ocean Conservation
For Day 4, we gave a brief intro into a very important topic: Ocean Conservation. Our snacks and experiment focused on how pollution affects the ocean. Our books of the day showed how we can and should protect the oceans. And our crafts of the day focused on using upcycled crafts and how to re-purpose every day objects into imaginative play crafts! Click here to view the day in detail: Save the Ocean – A Day on Ocean Conservation.

DAY FIVE: A Day with the Mermaids & Mythical Sea Creatures
For our last day of Ocean Camp, we filled the day with an imaginative twist 🙂 We focused on mythical sea creatures and how they’ve captured the imaginations of so many for so long. We encouraged lots of creative play and thinking this day. Click here to view the day in more detail: A Day with the Mermaids & Mythical Sea Creatures.

Thank you so much for checking out our article on having a DIY Summer Ocean-Themed Camp. We hope this article helps your little ones find the JOY in learning! If you’re looking for more ideas on this camp series or activities to inspire kids to love learning throughout their summer, please feel free to check out our other At Home Ocean-Themed Camp, At Home Camps, and follow us Pinterest.