Welcome to our Narwhal Party! Is your little one obsessed with narwhals, these beautiful whales with a massive tooth on their head? Some may even call them unicorns of the sea! If so and you’re looking for some easy and inexpensive party ideas, we have a party for you! Read on to check out the fun!

Since narwhals are arctic sea creatures, decorating your party area in a winter or water theme works well! For our party, we had a few Narwhal Balloons (an easy craft from www.joann.com) as well as a few items we purchased for our tables: Narwhal Party Tablecloths, Narwhal Dessert Plates, Narwhal Party Cups, Narwhal Napkins, and a Narwhal Centerpiece.
We also laid out a few Narwhal Wood Shapes around the table (which served as a decoration but also as a craft for later)
For our entry-way, we set up a small table with a Narwhal Party Name Game. Although you can definitely create your own version, this one was a nice little way of getting the kids into the spirit of the party and giggling with their new “narwhal names”. You could definitely turn this into games (e.g. keep score of how many times people don’t use the right name, start off with some bags of candy for each guest and they have to give one away each time they use a non-narwhal name, etc…). Since we had a younger group, we left it simple and just let them have fun with it!
If you have any stuffed narwhals or figurines (as long as your kiddo is OK with it), spread those out for decorations as well!

For this party, we set up a few stations where kids could play or craft together as a group.
- Narwhal Painting: We asked the kids to grab a few Narwhal Wood Shapes from the table and let them paint away! For this one, we used paint pens rather than brushes and paint jars. It is a bit cleaner but I’d still suggest keeping some supervision.
- Narwhal Home: We had a blue poster board in the party area with some green tissue paper attached to look like seaweed. Then, each kid created their own Narwhal Sticker. While they could keep theirs if they wanted, they could also add it to the ‘Narwhal Home’. We also had a few extras, so they could keep one and add the other to the board. Once everyone had made one, they signed their name next to their Narwhal and we had a cute keepsake from the day! It was also a nice photo backdrop for each guest 🙂
- Balloons: Though we hadn’t planned on it, when the kids saw the Narwhal Balloons, they wanted to make their own. Luckily, there aren’t too many supplies needed for this one and we had extra balloons on hand for the party anyway! They did, definitely, get creative with their color choices and had a ton of fun!
- Narwhal Fishing. We picked up a few Fishing Games from the Dollar store and added in some Round Magnets decorated with Narwhal Stickers. Then, we let the kids take turns to catch the fish in a bin of water. Note: we did explain to our little guests that narwhals don’t do well in captivity (which is why you don’t see them in zoos or aquariums), but we told them they could catch these narwhal magnets and place them back in the water bin for the next kids.

For our goodie bag, we sprinkled in a few Narwhal Treats – kisses with Narwhal Chocolate Labels as well as some Narwhal Pencils.
Thank you so much for checking out our party article. Hopefully this has helped or maybe even inspired more ideas! If so, we’d love to hear it! Let us know in the comments below or follow us on Pinterest.
Also, if you’re looking for more arctic or winter ideas, check out our Winter Fun! If you’re looking for more water themed ideas, check out our Water Fun!
Happy Holidays!