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Let’s get crafting!!!! If you have a little one who’s into video games or building, then you have most likely heard of (if not been entirely immersed) in the world of Minecraft! This seemingly limitless world allows players to build and create their own worlds and has captured the imaginations of so many! If your little one is one of those Minecraft fans, then this party is definitely for them! Read on to check out our ideas on decorations, tablescapes, activities, games and more!
We also created some labels and cards to help decorate the party. Feel free to use them for your own personal use, like the page, and/or link back to our Minecraft Labels Page!

For our table, we went with a Minecraft Table Cover and added tons of Minecraft items: Minecraft Dinner Plates, Dessert Plates, Napkins, Beverage Napkins, and Minecraft Potion Cups. We also set a Minecraft Pickaxe Pencil at each table setting (more on that later!)
Serving as a table runner, we had a few Minecraft trivia and jokes printed on some paper cards. We turned them around so that each kid could take turns flipping one over and asking the rest of the group 🙂 Even our Minecraft experts were stumped on a few!
We also printed out some paper blocks and set those up around the center: Printable Minecraft Blocks from along with some mini centerpieces from the Minecraft Party Decoration Kit. Everyone thought they were just for decoration but we did let the kiddos “smash” them at the end of the party. We had some Minecraft stickers and tattoos in there but I think the kiddos were just as amused by smashing the paper box as getting a small prize 🙂
Also along our trivia/joke table runner, we also had some TNT toilet paper rolls (more on that in the activity section). For now, they just served as decorations.

Photo backdrops are perfect for setting the theme for the party as well as doubling as an activity! Rather than go all out on our backdrop, we simply hung up an extra Minecraft Table Cover. We placed some Minecraft Balloons on some plastic stands at each end. We also set up a table with some Minecraft Party Masks for the kids to pick from and wear throughout the party as well as their photo-op. Sadly, we did have some high hopes of wrapping up some square boxes in green to give the kids some blocks to pose with and play with but time got the better of us – maybe next time 🙂

Now, you can certainly have everyone bring over their portable game or set up Minecraft on your TV and have kids take turns; BUT, we wanted to have some non-screen games for the bulk of the party. We had a few games (Minecraft Uno) and books (Minecraft Activities) that we had collected over the years and spread those out around the party area.
We also spread out some printouts of some Minecraft items (used in recipes to create other objects). We told the kids they were hidden around the party area and if they found any they could pick them up and see if they could create any other objects (based on the recipe guide). We didn’t actually have all the different combinations they could possibly come up with but they did have a ton of fun seeing what they could ‘craft’ 🙂
The main event was our Minecraft Treasure Hunt – err, Treasure Hunts!!! We had two options – one for younger kids who didn’t have as much Minecraft knowledge and one for our older Minecraft experts!
Treasure Hunt #1 – The Easy Version!

We used the Printable Minecraft Blocks and hid those around the party area. BUT they weren’t just paper blocks. Inside, we hid a few Lego blocks from a Minecraft Lego Set. Once they found all the blocks, they could work together to build the set! (Note: since we had a small group, we just used one Lego set BUT you could have a few Lego sets and hide them each in a different type of Minecraft Paper Block – this way you could have the kids work in smaller groups and ONLY find their block type).
Treasure Hunt #2 – For the Minecraft Experts!

So, if any of you are Minecraft fans, you’d know that Minecraft isn’t a game where you go on missions or have any tasks – it’s mostly about building up your world the way you want to! But, there are definitely a few things you have to do at the start in order to make sure you’re successful – like crafting tools, building shelters, and making food. We created this treasure hunt based upon some common first day tasks!
We used a lot of printables for this game – they were mostly images of the basic items needed in order to build things you need as well as several copies of a Printable Crafting Table.
To make things a little easier, we created a sheet of paper to show what item they had to “create”. Each item had a checkbox so they could check those off as they went along.
For those Minecraft experts, each item is ‘crafted’ by combining other items you can find throughout the game. (See the full guide here from Note: you could also print out this ingredient sheet or have it on the screen for display if that’s easier). So, rather than hiding the actual item, we hid images of the ingredients needed to create that item around the house!
Once the kids found all the necessary ingredients, they were given the corresponding crafting table box and image of the item. AND – you guessed it – inside each of the crafting table boxes, we had a few legos split up from a Minecraft Lego Set. This set was a bit more complex with more pieces than the set from Treasure Hunt #1. Once they found all items, they could work together to build out the set.
The Finale
After our main event, we had the kiddos grab some of the TNT roles from the table. (We also had some extras to create on their own if they chose). If your kids have seen a similar craft, they’ll probably get super excited when they see this table – because at this table they made… (drum roll)… Confetti poppers!!! Minecraft TNT Confetti poppers! And at the end of the party, we let them go a bit crazy and pop / toss some confetti. (It’s a fairly simple craft – wrap a toilet paper roll with red construction paper, add some TNT text, & cover the bottom with a red balloon – Fill with confetti, prepare for mess, and pop!) It’s definitely a messy activity but well worth all the smiles and laughter!
Additional Games
While we didn’t end up doing some of these games, we though they’d be a worth mention for those you looking to add some non-screen activities to a Minecraft party! In the end we just ran out of time or thought some of these wouldn’t be the greatest idea in our party space, but they’re definitely worth a look!
- Minecraft Mega Blocks – This is the activity/decoration we had intended to do but time got the better of us. We’ve done a similar activity during winter – DIY Snow Blocks. We had planned to cover some boxes we had around the house in green or grey (or leave them as their original brown) and pile those around the photo area. The DIY Snow Blocks were a blast at our Winter get-togethers and we think the Minecraft blocks would have been a massive hit too!
- Nerf Toys – There are a handful of Minecraft Nerf Toys out there (Minecraft Stormlander Dart-Blasting Hammer and Minecraft Pillagers CrossBow). We did consider setting up a few Cardboard and Paper Roll Creepers so that they could try to hit those with their nerf toys; but our party area was a bit small and nerf toys flying around didn’t seem like the best idea. If you have a large empty room or the weather is good enough to set up in your backyard, this might be the main event for your party!
- Minecraft Foam & Inflatable Toys – If you’ve got the time and space, it might also be fun to set up some Minecraft Swords or some Inflatable Pickaxes and Axes. Again – super fun but you do need some open space for the kids to play around!

Since we had a small group, we went with a slightly more costly favor: Minecraft Turtle Beach Polybag and some common goodie bag treats – like candy & stickers. (Note: there are a few other Lego Minecraft Polybags, so search around if you can’t find this one!) The kids also got to keep their Minecraft Pickaxe Pencils, masks, and TNT poppers 🙂
Thank you so much for checking out our party planning article. Hopefully it gave you some great ideas for your next celebration!
If you did enjoy this, please let us know below or follow us on Pinterest. Also, If you haven’t already and are still looking for that perfect party theme, feel free to check out some of our other party ideas: Party Guides!
Happy Party Planning 🙂
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