Who can resist the adorable cuteness of the beloved Child from Mandalorian? If Grogu (a.k.a. Baby Yoda) is one of your favorite characters, we have a party for you! With these simple & budget-friendly party ideas, you can easily decorate your party area, create a banquet fit for Baby Yoda, and set up some fun & memorable games! Read on to check out the fun 🙂
We had this Baby Yoda party to celebrate a birthday but you could easily use some of these ideas for a Mandalorian Watch Party or any other Star Wars themed celebration!

You don’t have to go all crazy with themed decorations – mix in a few themed decorations with some standard colors (green and brown) and you’ve got an amazing party! We found this budget-friendly kit: Baby Yoda Party Supplies Kit for under $10 and were able to use it throughout our party area!
We also created a few labels & signs (click here to check them out) that we used throughout the party area! It gave everything just the right touch 🙂

With just a few Mandalorian and Baby Yoda items, you can create an awesome table perfect for your Mandalorian Star Wars fans! We kept things pretty simple in the themed-items area, purchasing a few Mandalorian Plates and Mandalorian Napkins and paired those with some basic plate plates, cups, and plasticware.
Then we used some of the images (for the cupcake toppers from the Baby Yoda Party Supplies Kit) as decorations for our mini candy give-aways. The candy give-aways were wrapped in green & brown tissue but the images of the Grogu and Mando gave it just the right touch!
We also used some of the larger images from the Baby Yoda Party Supplies Kit as well as Baby Yoda Figurines to set up along the center of the table.

Photo backdrops are a great way of setting a theme and double as a nice and easy activity! Pick a backdrop that functions as decorative, add a few props to the scene and you’ve got a great place to hang out!
Space Backdrop Balloons from the Baby Yoda Party Supplies Kit. If you have any plush Star Wars items or costumes and don’t mind sharing during the party, this would be a great place to have them out 🙂
Note, you don’t have to go all out with a photo backdrop stand either. Grab a few pieces of tape and an empty wall & you’re all set!

No party is complete without some party food! You can always serve some typical (or fancier) party food, but you can also keep in theme with a few clever labels 🙂
While we did have some party food staples, we also had a “Baby Yoda Banquet” with some food – and labels – with nods to the series.
- Star Wars Goldfish Crackers – This one is pretty self explanatory. There are some goldfish in the package but also Mando and Baby Yoda crackers as well!
- Spider Snacks. Ritz Crackers with Nutella and Mini Stick Pretzels. Spiders are one of the yummy snacks Grogu is drawn to – set up a few for snacking or let guests decide how they want to create their spiders.
- Yoda Cucumber Heads – You could definitely make these Baby Yoda heads with a cucumber slice and two ears but we kept this simple & just sliced the cucumbers 😉
- Grogu Go-gurts – This one is self explanatory too. We were lucky to find Mandalorian Star Wars Gogurts at our grocery store. The flavors are tasty too!
- Bone Broth (a.k.a. Noodle Soup) – Grogu slurps on some bone broth soup in the series which apparently has some actual bones in it. We went a far more mainstream route & served up regular soup 😉
- Frog Lady’s Eggs – Arguably a cringy moment when Grogu eats some eggs but we had to add it in for the banquet 😉 Rather than serve frog eggs, we set out some deviled eggs. Mini chocolate eggs would work nicely if you’re having the party around that time of year. Alternatively, you could fill up some plastic eggs with goodies.
- Nevarro Nummies – If you’ve seen the images of Grogue holding bright blue cookies, then you’ve seen ‘Nevarro Nummies’. Technically, these should be blue macarons but store bought blue cookies pass just as well 🙂
- Blue Snacks – Along similar lines to the blue macarons, any blue treat would work
- Chicky Nuggies or Froggies – Who can forget the image of Grogu’s mouth filled with a frog? We had a chocolate frog mold from our Harry Potter days and so created some chocolate frogs to set out. But there are also some neat looking Haribo Fruit Snacks if you can find a package at your grocery store.
- Tentacle Creatures “in Chowder” – In another episode, Grogu slurps up a different type of soup – chowder – with tentacles swimming inside. Rather than serving up actual octopus or squid, we set out a much tastier, sugary version – Trolli Octopuses. Alternatively, you can serve up some ramen or other long noodle soup which would pass as tentacles.
- Mandalore Stars – Mandalore is the homeworld of the Mandalorians, so starts named after the territory would work for this banquet. If you have a star sandwich cutter, Star Shaped Sandwiches would be a nice way to serve up some basic sandwiches. Otherwise, you could use a cheese/veggie star shaped cutter to create some stars for snacking.
- Roasted Beast – Toward the end of the season, Grogu is offered some kind of unknown roasted beast. Rather than serving up some mystery meat, we opt for Roasted Chicken or Beef 😉
- AND Any Green Food – Green Jello, Green M&Ms, Green Skittles, Green Lollipops, Green Grapes, Green Apples, Kiwi, Honey Dew, Green Peppers, Broccoli, etc… While not exactly related to Grogu or Mando, these green foods would fit the color scheme quite nicely 😉

We typically set up an activity table for kids to keep entertained while everyone arrives AND after all the games are done. These activities are simple and easy and typically don’t require too much supervision.
- Baby Yoda Perler Bead Kit – This one works well for kids with the patience and desire to create a perler bead pattern. You can pick up a few kits for each kid OR purchase a few sets along with some extra packages of greens and browns. Note: An adult will need to help with the ironing portion to finish off the craft.
- Lightsaber Craft – This one is fun & easy. Grab a few glow sticks and some black construction paper. Then let the kids wrap up a small strip of black at the bottom of a glow stick, turn the glow stick on, and they’ve got a fun little lightsaber that should last for a few hours or so!
- Guess the #: This one is a pretty easy, low-prep activity. Grab what you have around the house and fill up some extra jars with as much as you can(save up those food jars or find them at the Dollar Store). Be sure to keep count so you can tell who came closest! A few ideas:
- Grogu’s Spiders – Plastic spiders. These are super easy to find everyone in bulk for just a few dollars around Halloween. Otherwise, you could find them online as well.
- Blue Snacks – Blue Jolly Ranchers (or any type of blue candy: lollipops, jelly beans, etc)
- Mini Lightsabers – A slight stretch but your guests won’t mind. Fill up a jar with Mini Glowsticks (2 inch).
- Mandalore Stars – Star shaped stickers, glow in the dark stars, star-shaped beads.. Just about anything star-shaped would work for this jar
And while we didn’t have these crafts set up at our activity table, you could also add these in for some more before or after party games fun. (We used them in areas throughout the party)
- Build a Baby Yoda Free Printable from www.thepurplepumpkinblog.co.uk
- Baby Yoda Paper Craft from www.rufflesandrainboots.com
We also had a few games set up around the party area so that people could join in on the fun throughout the day 🙂
- Mandalorian Puzzle – This is a cute puzzle with both Mando and Grogu. It’s 500 pieces, so if you have a number of guests trying to solve it, you should be able to get through it by the end of the day 🙂
- Star Wars The Mandalorian Uno Game – Almost everyone knows how to play uno and you can have quite a few players, so this is great to lay out for groups to start playing 🙂

What’s a party without some fun and memorable games??? Kids will definitely have fun just running around and coming up with their own games, BUT adding in a few themed games will definitely be a hit with your guests! Here were a few of ours:
- Toss the Frogs into Grogu’s Mouth – If anyone has watched the series or seen some images of Grogu, you may be familiar with this Child’s love of frogs. We put together some images of Grogu from Build a Baby Yoda Free Printable from www.thepurplepumpkinblog.co.uk and laid those out next to some buckets. Then we had the kids try to toss some Dollar Tree Frog Bath Toys into the buckets. It’s a simple game but keeps them entertained for a bit of time 🙂
- The Search for the Mini Light Sabers – This one is a great game for little ones especially if you can safely turn off or turn down the lights. After all, kids always seem to gravitate to those glow in the dark toys! If you’ve got the time, you can place some black paper or tape on a glow stick to make it look more like a lightsaber. We were short on time, so we just told the kids they had to search for ‘light sabers’ and held up a sample glow stick. Alternative: if you did the lightsaber craft & everyone has one, they can each hide their own and see who can find the most 🙂
- Battleship Tournament – Okay, so technically, this isn’t exactly Star Wars Mandalorian themed; however, outer space is the backdrop for the entire series, so it’s not as much of a stretch. The Battleship Outer Space Game may cost you roughly $20 but you can get away with just one with this set up. We had a handful of Battleship Board Games from the Dollar Tree with guests pairing off on those before the ‘final challenge’ on the Outer Space version. Because everyone may want a turn on the Outer Space version, the Tournament may just last for quite a bit 🙂 – Alternatively, you can have players rotate onto the Outer Space version while others are playing on the regular board games until everyone has a turn.

For our goodie bags, we were fortunate enough to find some Star Wars Mandalorian themed candy because of another nearby holiday. So, we filled up our goodie bags with a The Child Valentines Candy Fan as well as some Star Wars Mandalorian Lick & Dip Candy and Star Wars Mandalorian Lollipop Rings. We also purchased a Mandalorian Sticker Book Pack and added in a plain brown notebook with a Baby Yoda sticker on the cover.
They also got to keep the pouch of candy along with their Mandalorian or Baby Yoda image from their table setting 🙂
Thank you so much for checking out our party planning post. Hopefully it gave you some great ideas for your next celebration!
If you did enjoy this, please let us know below or follow us on Pinterest and check out our other Star Wars or Outer Space Ideas! Also, If you haven’t already and are still looking for that perfect party theme, feel free to check out some of our other party ideas!
Happy Party Planning