Welcome to our “Fun with Flower Power! – An Amazing DIY Plants Camp Week” series. For this week, we focused on the study of plants and flowers. Read through to check out how to ways to decorate your camp area, links to interactive online games, fun & educational videos, books, writing prompts, experiments, food crafts & snacks, and kid-friendly crafts all themed for the week!
Feel free to pick certain days or follow the entire week – as long as it gets the kiddos to keep learning while they’re having an amazing time!
DAY ONE: Orientation Day
We usually start of the week by introducing the topic and setting up the camp area. It’s a pretty easy day (think of it like the first day of school – a day to get acclimated). We decorated the camp area with some tissue paper flower crafts, started off a few science experiments (coloring flowers), and food snack fun. Click here for a full detail of the day!

DAY TWO: A Study of Seeds Camp Day
For Day 2 of our camp week, we focused on seeds: what are seeds, how they’re related to flowers, and what seeds are common in our regular day! We had tons of fun themed ideas on crafts, links to educational and interactive games, food snacks, and kicked off a few experiments! Click here for a full detail of the day!

DAY THREE: Buzz with Bees Camp Day
For Day 3 of a Fun with Flower Power! Week, we focused on bees and why they are important to plants! We read and listened to quite a few bee themed books for story time, had fun with a ton of crafts, put on a play with bee puppets, and even learned how pollination works by snacking! Click here for a full detail of the day!

DAY FOUR: Crazy with Carnivorous Plants Camp Day
For Day 4 of our camp week, we focused on oh so interesting carnivorous plants! We created some edible ‘venus fly traps’ for our snack, watched a few videos, read some books, and created a carnivorous puppet! We also found some learning materials from several other sources and printed out some fun activities! Click here for a full detail of the day!

DAY FIVE: Fun with Fertilizer & Compost Camp Day
For Day 5 of our camp week, we focused on what fertilizers, compost, and why they’re important! We read through some compost & fertilizer learning materials, read some books, made up stories, and created some crafty worms! Click here for a full detail of the day!

And that brings us to the end of our Fun with Flower Power! Week! If you’re fortunate enough to live by a conservatory or botanical garden, a quick field trip or an exploration day would be a fun way to cap the week off!! Otherwise, maybe planting flowers for your backyard or balcony could also be a fun activity! 🙂
Thank you so much for checking out our article on having a Fun with Flower Power! Camp Week. We hope this article helps your little ones find the JOY in learning! If you’re looking for more ideas for DIY camps, feel free to check out some of other posts and/or follow us Pinterest.