A party isn’t complete without the party food! And dragon-themed parties are no different 🙂 With a few clever labels, decorations, and items you can find in most grocery stores, you can have an AMAZING dragon themed party food spread. Read on to check out some of our ideas!
We set this table up for our Sizzling Dragon Themed Party which was themed around blue dragons, but you can definitely use these ideas for any dragon-themed party. For more Dragon Ideas, feel free to check out our other posts here 🙂
Dragons can live just about anywhere – caverns, forests, lakes, etc… so you can really get creative in how you want to set up your tables. Since we had a bluish, grey, white theme for our dragon party, we went with a more ‘stone’ and ‘mountain’ setting.
Luckily we had some slate platters from previous parties, so we set up portioned out fruits, veggies, and cheese on those. You could also use some grey placemats or cut out some grey stone-shapes from construction paper if that’s more readily available – whatever works 🙂

For the containers for the chips and individual bags, we used some grey canvas bins from the Dollar Tree.

To hold up the labels, we used some rocks. We had some on hand for a painting craft that we had yet to complete but regular rocks found on the ground (after they’re washed up) would work well too!

We created the labels on our own and posted them to share: Images for a Sizzling Dragon Themed Party 🙂 Feel free to use them for your own personal use.

As part-decoration, part conversation starter, we also had some dragon themed books all around the party area: tables included (Thought we did position them far enough from the actual plates that were weren’t too concerned).

And – of course – we had to have dragons!!! Since we used quite a few all around the table, we went with a pack of small but more in quantity: 36 2inch Dragon Figurines.

For this party, we tried to place portions in individual cups or keep things wrapped up. We used some Mini Portion Cups to hold fruit. It’s a bit more effort if you’ve got a smaller space (you may have to keep bringing out more portion cups), but it was worth it 🙂
- Dragon Fire Balls – Mini Babybel Cheese (red ones)
- Dragon Eggs – Dragon Fruit
- Dragon Tears – Grapes
- Dwarf Dragon Eggs – Blackberries

For our individually wrapped chips & snacks, we placed them in the grey containers from the Dollar Tree.
- Dragon Claws – Bugles
- Dragon Scales – Doritos
- Feast Seasoned with Dragon Breath – Spicy Chips

For our drinks, we had some regular water bottles and fruit punch packets, but we also had a “Dragon Punch” for those who were brave enough to try 🙂 We froze some pomegranate juice (POM) the night before in ice cube trays. Then on the day of the party, kids could pour some 7up or Sprite into their clear cup and drop a red ice cube inside. The beverage will fizzle a bit and then change color shortly ~ which is always a ‘whoa’ factor for little ones 😉

For our main course, we had two items to pick from: Tacos (cause Dragons Love Tacos, right?) and chicken legs (only cause we couldn’t get turkey legs… 😉
- Chicken Drumsticks and Wings
- Tacos
For our desserts, we kept this a bit simple as we also had cake. We had just two choices: chocolate croissants and red velvet cupcakes.
- Muffins Kissed by a Dragon – Red Velvet Muffins
- Dragon Tails – Chocolate Croissants


Thank you so much for checking out our dragon party article. Hopefully it gave you some great ideas for your next celebration!
If you did enjoy this, please let us know below or follow us on Pinterest. Also, If you haven’t already and are still looking for that perfect party theme, feel free to check out some of our other party ideas: Party Guides and/or other Dragon Ideas!
Happy Party Planning!!!