With just a few inexpensive, upcycled, and natural items, you can easily create a mini floral pick centerpiece to add to your Autumn table! Use items you have in your home, natural items you can find around your neighborhood, or visit your Dollar Store or Craft store for a few supplies! Read on to check it out!

- Upcycled Tin Can (A canned good can opened by a can opener works well)
- Burlap Ribbon or Twine
- One Sheet of Brown Tissue Paper
- Halloween Floral Picks
- Scissors
- Glue or Tape
- Rubber band
STEP 1: Set up the Can
Ensure the tin can has been cleaned out. Then cut a bit or ribbon or twine to tie (or glue) around the can. Arrange the brown tissue paper into the can so that some of it sticks out. This will also help keep the floral picks in place if you only have a few.

STEP 2: Create the floral centerpiece
Arrange your floral picks to your liking then optionally tie them with a rubber band. Add them into the can.

STEP 3: Optionally add more decorations
Now that your tin can is done, add in some other decorations that you might have around. Acorns, pinecones, and twigs are all things you might be able to find out and about and add a bit of a natural touch to the centerpiece
Thank you so much for checking out our article about this simple upcycled autumn centerpiece! We hope this has helped add some mini decor to your Autumn Home and maybe even inspired more ideas!
If so, let us know in the comments below or follow us on Pinterest.
Happy Creating!