Welcome to our collection of Awe-Inspiring Arctic Animals – a collection of relaxed and fun activities for winter-themed learning plans, snowed in days, or just plan learning fun! For this day, we learned a bit about beautiful and majestic snowy owls through books, educational videos, and themed activities like crafts, Legos, & more! Read on to check out the fun!

All kids are different and you can definitely vary your day with whatever works for you 🙂 But the gist of our day having our kiddos focus on some work books or online learning tools in the early morning, an intro to the day’s theme after they were done, some videos around lunch time, and themed activities (reading time, writing time, crafts, food crafts/snacks, and games or experiments) in the afternoon. Feel free to pick and choose whatever works for you 🙂

If you’re a fan of a popular wizard series and/or some animated movies, you may be familiar with how a snowy owl looks but the videos below are a bit more educational in nature or have a few more facts in them.
- 11 Amazing Snowy Owl Facts You Didn’t Know by Grow Kido (4m)
- Snowy Owl Facts: Not as Snowy as They Seem by Animal Fact Files (4m)
- WildKratts S04E03: Snowy Owl Invasion

What’s more fun than taking a break and having a simple snack time??? Including the snack in your theme of the day! We find that our kiddos are more than happy to eat the snacks they create especially when they can arrange them into fun shapes and scenes! While we followed this really easy image on the page: Call of the Owl: Owl Sandwich by skinowl.com, you can always mix and match with other similar shades of veggies or fruit 🙂

Reading is not just an important part of learning, it can also be fun if you pick the right books and theme!
- Snowy Owls: Hunters of the Snow and Ice by Elain Landau. This is a great non-fiction book. It has an image one one page and another page full of text, so if your little one hasn’t been reading much, they may need a little help. Otherwise, it’s a great book with good facts!
- National Geographic Kids: Snowy Owl. This one is actually a website but kids can click through to see a few images at the top. There’s also some nice facts on the page to read through.

Just like reading, writing is a great way to practice both their creative skills as well as their writing and penmanship.
If you’ve got a little one, have them trace words related to the theme: SNOWY OWL, SNOW, FLY
If you’ve got older children, have them write a sentence or two up to a page or two (depending on their age). Encourage them to be creative AND give reasons for why they made certain choices. Our writing prompt of the day was:
- If you were a snowy owl, what do you think would be the best thing to see while flying?
- Imagine you were a snowy owl who loved learning about other climates and warmer seasons. Which one would you like the most and how would your snowy owl try to blend in if they went on a field trip there?
- A famous white owl who befriends an even more famous boy wizard flies around and delivers messages. How do you think this owl (and other messenger owls) know where to go?

If your kiddos are into perler beads, the Perler site has tons of Project Guides that you can download! We used one specific to owls – Owl Always Love You (though not snowy owls) and simply used mostly white beads to create our snowy owls 🙂
We also made an Upcycled Snowy Owl to hold our pencils for the day. Click here to check out how to make this inexpensive craft. 🙂

While I did toy around with the idea of picking up an owl pellet dissection kit, the little ones weren’t all that fond of the idea…
Instead, we tried out a really simple activity that demonstrates how owls use their eyes from Science Projects About Owls by earning-center.homesciencetools.com. It’s a pretty quick and simple activity but is eye opening 😉
We also we picked a familiar favorite – Legos! We found a small Lego kit with an owl (Lego Harry Potter Kit). If you’re unable to grab a kit but have a ton of Legos lying around, a quick search will show up a number of different suggestions on how to make a Lego owl!
Thank you for checking out our arctic animal learning article! If you enjoyed this article, please let us know what you think in the comments below and/or follow us on Pinterest
Also, if you haven’t already, check out some of our other Awe-Inspiring Arctic Animals, Winter Fun & Winter Learning Fun Ideas!
Happy Learning!