Looking for some added fun to your Holiday movie night? If Polar Express is the film for the evening, try adding in a few fun themed snacks, crafts, or imaginative play! Read on to check out the fun!
Our table was set up quite simply. We had a set of “Believe” plates but everything else (cups, napkins, plasticware) were standard, solid colors picked up from the dollar or party stores. We also had some 1in Silver Craft Bells that we lay across the table.

- What’s a movie without popcorn?? Go with the all-time favorite movie butter popcorn or splurge on one of those holiday tins with the different flavors! Either way, popcorn is a great snack for movies 🙂
- Train Crackers. Pick up a few rectangle and circle shaped crackers and you can easily set up a train. Add on some cotton candy for the smoke and cut up cheese for wheels or windows & you’ve got a yummy train snack!
- Cookie Train. For whatever reason, our gingerbread houses and other constructions never look quite as nice as pictures on the box! BUT!! They’re still tons of fun for the kids to make 🙂

- Color Your Own Winter Express Tickets This one comes with quite a lot as well (48), so kids can color and design a handful!
- Wood Slice Train Cutouts. This one is also a coloring activity but it’s a wood slice instead of thick paper. Let the kids get creative! We used paint markers for this one and they worked really well on the wood 🙂
- Winter Express Puzzles. This one comes in a set of 12, so all the kiddos can have their own 🙂
- Gingerbread Moving Train Craft. This one is not really in color or theme with the movie; however, it’s a train craft with holiday elements, so still a great add on to your activity list!
- Upcycled Kid-Cycled Train Craft. Add in some dramatic play with this budget-friendly, kid-sized train craft that they can actually get into 🙂

Thank you so much for checking out our holiday article. Hopefully this has helped or maybe even inspired more ideas! If so, we’d love to hear it! Let us know in the comments below or follow us on Pinterest.
Also, if you’re looking for more Holiday Ideas, check out our other posts here!
Happy Holidays!