Want to create some Miniature Halloween Decorations without breaking the budget? Need a quick, inexpensive, and easy craft activity for a Kids Halloween Party? Check out our Adorable DIY Miniature Witch Hut Craft with Dollar Store, Natural, and Upcycled items! Mix and match, add your own twist to the crafts, or substitute any supplies as needed 🙂
STEP 1: The Base
Using any cardboard or paperboard box in the house, repurpose into the base for your Mini Witch Hut. If you’re using a box, you’ll want to cut out one side for the opening. Keep it attached so you can lay out the rest of the items on the card/paperboard. Wrap the box in a tissue to cover it up (we used brown as the base for our hut).

STEP 2: Hang Up Portraits
You could just add some Halloween stickers to the back wall of the hut OR you could dress them up with frames very easily. Click here for a step by step guide.

STEP 3: Lay Down a Rug
For the rug, we just used a bit of purple felt but feel free to get creative here 🙂 Add a few items on top to make it more “homey”

STEP 4: Add a Witch’s Broom
Click here for a step by step guide on creating a simple witch’s broom with just toothpicks & twine.

STEP 5: Set the Table
Using just twigs, twine, upcycled and a bit of glue, create this miniature natural looking table. Click here for a step by step guide.

STEP 6: Create a Mini Witch Hat
We couldn’t find a miniature version of a witch hat, so we followed this tutorial from firstpalette.com: Witch Hat | Fun Craft. We set our mini witch hat on the newly created table 😉

STEP 7: Add in a “Supersized Cauldron”
This is not any normal witch and there’s definitely some Halloween fun brewing in her hut with her “massive” cauldron! Create this simple cauldron with her bubbling green potion 🙂 Click here for a step by step guide.

STEP 8: Lay out a Few Books
You can definitely create some miniature books using some paper and glue, but we had a few lying around from some other crafts. We used some Miniature Dollhouse Books & Timeless Miniature Books but you can definitely tell they’ve been through a few travels from their wear & tear (just leave ‘em in a diaper bag or that bag that holds all your kiddo’s snacks & you’ll get that worn look in now time 😉 )

STEP 9: (Optionally) Add in Any Additional Decorations
This miniature witch hut is your decoration, so add in your own personal touches or additional decorations! We set ours next to some mini straw bales and stuffed pumpkins that we picked up from the Dollar Store and set it out for Halloween! 🙂

Thank you so much for checking out our article about this simple Mini Witch Hat! We hope this has helped add some mini decor to your Halloween Home and maybe even inspired more ideas!
If so, let us know in the comments below or follow us on Pinterest.
Happy Creating & Happy Halloween!