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Dragons! Dragons! Dragons! Who can keep away from these wonderful, mysterious, mythical creatures??? For this dragon-themed party, we had tons of fun with crafts, “flying dragons”, and playing with fire (adult supervision required of course ;)). Read on to discover the fun!
For more dragon ideas, feel free to check out some of our other parties and posts: Click here to check them out!

For our dragon decorations, we matched our color scheme to our celebrant’s favorite dragons: Saphira from the Eragon Series and Tsunami from the Wings of Fire Series. Luckily they’re both blue 🙂 Blue, silver, and white was all over our tableware as well as some mini bouquets that we sprinkled around the party area. For more details &a how to guide on the table set up, check out our post: A Simple, Beautiful Dragon Themed Party Table.
Though we didn’t actually have any Eragon or Wings of Fire decorations, we had a several dragon figurines that we sprinkled across the party tables. We also thought it’d be a cute idea to sprinkle across our dragon series books – definitely a big hit as the kids started trading stories on their favorite parts 🙂
We also created some images, labels, and maps to add around the party. Feel free to check them out and use for your own personal use: Sizzling Dragon Party Labels & Signs.

We picked up a small backdrop with dragons on it: Flying Dragon Wonderland. It added to the decor of the party PLUS we used it as a photo backdrop for our guests 🙂
In addition to the photo backdrop, we had a small online activity that our guests could do. Our kiddo is quite a fan of personality quizzes, so naturally, we all had to find out which dragon we were: Which Dragon Are You?! So fun!!! (Just a minor note: the quiz on the site and does have some other quizzes and ads on there). We also had a dragon drawing book for kids to test their dragon drawing powers 😉
With a few clever labels, you can make most foods feel like they’re dragon-themed 🙂 For more details on the items used throughout the table, check out our post: A Dragon Themed Party Food Table.
- Dragon Claws – Bugles
- Dragon Scales – Doritos
- Feast Seasoned with Dragon Breath – Spicy Chips
- Dragon Fire Balls – Mini Baybell Cheese (red ones)
- Dragon Eggs – Dragon Fruit
- Dragon Tears – Grapes
- Dwarf Dragon Eggs – Blackberries

Main Course:
- Giant Turkey Legs (of course!) — no napkins allowed!
- For those with fainter hearts, smaller chicken drumsticks and wings were also on the menu 🙂
- Muffins Kissed by a Dragon – Red Velvet Muffins
- Dragon Tails – Chocolate Croissants

- Dragon Elixir – Colorful Ice (made by freezing koolaid and POM juice the night before) added into 7up. Have the kiddos driop the ice cubes into the cups when they’re ready to drink their juice ~ the ice cube sizzles a bit once dropped in adding in a ‘whoa’ factor 🙂

Our cake wasn’t overly complex but we did spread out some dragon figurines around the cake during the Happy Birthday Song. We also used blue-flame candles which were quite pretty.

For the activities portion of our party, we did a few crafts as a group then moved onto some fire science experiments (supervised of course!)
- Design a Dragon Castle – We bought a few wooden castles and boxes of paint to let the kids design their own castles to take home. We also let them pick a few dragons to add to their towers.

- Bring a Dragon to Life – We purchased a Paper Dragon Kit by Klutz and let each kid create a dragon. Later on, we flew them outside to see how far each would go.

- Extinguish the Dragons’ Flame & Raise the Lake – this is an experiment that demonstrates how a candle consumes oxygen and releases less carbon dioxide. We followed the instructions on Rising Water Secret Experiment from Most of the kids hadn’t seen this experiment before so it was definitely a “wow” moment for many. Add in a few dragons and it sets quite the scene 🙂

- Blow Out the Dragon’s Fire – this is also a science experiment that demonstrates how hot wax vapor can be. We followed the instructions from Relighting a Candle – Without Using the Wick! From Cleverly positions a few dragons and it’s quite fun to watch 🙂

- Create a Mini Torch – Torch is a bit of stretch here but it’s all in the name of imaginative fun! We purchased a fairly simple candle making kit – each kid was able to make their own.

- Dragon Egg Pinatas! What would a party be without pinatas! We re-use this balloon pinatas method for several parties cause it’s so easy and inexpensive – you just have to plan ahead as it takes a few days to dry and paint. Inside the pinatas, we had some candy and dragon stickers 🙂

So… since this was not our first dragon party, we reused some ideas from our other dragon themed party (2.5 – 3inch Mini Dragons and Dragon Puzzle Egg). But, we also added a few items a bit more specific to this party: blue candles, Wings of Fire dragon stickers. We also added in a journal we found at the Dollar Store that looked a bit like dragon scales (though sadly we didn’t find any blue colors).
The kiddos also got to keep all the items they made throughout the party: drawings, candles, paper dragons, etc.. They went home with a number of smiles!
Thank you so much for checking out our party planning article. Hopefully it gave you some great ideas for your next celebration!
If you did enjoy this, please let us know below or follow us on Pinterest. Also, If you haven’t already and are still looking for that perfect party theme, feel free to check out some of our other party ideas: Party Guides and/or other Dragon Ideas!
Happy Party Planning
Celebrate with beloved & famous dragons in our How-to-Train-Your-Dragon Inspired Party!

Save the Dragons in this EPIC Dragon Party!

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Jingle Bells! Check out our Dragons at Christmas Party!