Welcome to our Awesome Indoor Dinosaur Treasure Hunt complete with dinosaur fun fact riddles and rhymes! Use these for a celebration, book-end to an amazing dinosaur learning unit, or just for some dinosaur fun!
We used this treasure hunt in our EPIC Dinosaur Party Guide. Feel free to check it out if you’re planning a dinosaur themed party. If you’re looking for more Dinosaur Ideas, feel free to check out all our dinosaur-themed articles with party related posts as well as days of learning fun here!
We picked a few favorite dinosaurs and created a few rhymes along with clues pointing to some every day household items. Full disclaimer: some of the rhymes are a bit of a stretch, BUT the kids did have an awesome time and some even learned a thing or two 🙂 Feel free to use for your own personal use, mix & match, or add to them!
Clue 1: The Welcome & Ornithomimus (Hide the next clue by or in the Pantry)
Welcome welcome to your dino trivia treasure hunt.
Worry not, there are no real dinosaurs that you must confront.
Read through each clue to learn about a different dinosaur
Keep solving & moving until the clues are no more!
For your first clue, listen closely & say it slowly.
Ornithomimus, a small omnivore who might have eaten meat ravioli?
Though her name means ‘bird mimic’, she couldn’t have soared.
Let’s look for our next clue where our pantry goods might be stored.
Clue 2: The Spinosaurus (Hide the next clue by the stairs or a tree)
You might not want to face this ‘Spine Lizard’ out in the wild
The spinosaurus is the largest carnivore and the opposite of mild.
It was the apex predator of its time.
If you see it, run, hide, and find your next clue where you can climb.
Clue 3: The Triceratops (Hide the next clue by a phone)
The triceratops needs no major introduction.
Their three horned skull is famous but we still don’t know it’s function.
Many think it might be for defense or show.
If only they could call us, then maybe we would know.
Clue 4: The Velociraptor (Hide the next clue by a bed)
This terrifying dino from the movies doesn’t quite live up to it’s supposed height
Moreover it’s likely it had some feathers though it couldn’t take flight.
Oh velociraptor, you weren’t quite as scary as they made you seem!
Your next clue is found where you might meet a velociraptor while you dream.
Clue 5: The Plesiosaurs (Hide the next clue by a desk)
Though this massive sea creature lived during the dinosaur age
As a dinosaur, it cannot take the center stage.
Plesiosaurs had no hind legs to walk and only swam
If you didn’t know, find your next clue where you might need to study for your next dino exam!
Clue 6: The T-Rex (Hide the next clue by a top shelf or somewhere high up)
If you met this dinosaur, you may think your best bet is to stay still
But a T-Rex can actually see a target – moving or not – with great skill.
This one, though, is quite true: a T-Rex’s arms were very small.
Thank goodness you have longer arms. To reach this clue, stretch & stand tall!
Clue 7: The Pteranodon (Hide the next clue by a sofa or couch)
A bird? A plane? A flying dinosaur, no doubt!
Nope! Pteranodon is a winged reptile with a toothless snout.
Though it ate mostly fish, you wouldn’t want to find your next clue in its nest
But your next clue is hidden somewhere that you might take a rest.
Clue 8: The Titanosaur (Hide the next clue by a window)
The titanosaur lives up to its name.
It’s so very tall but also quite tame.
It’s thought to be plant eating and docile
If only you could see one with your next clue by your window sill!
Clue 9: The Ankylosaurus (Hide the next clue by the refrigerator)
Just like our spiky stegosaurus friend,
The ankylosaurus has an armored back but with a club on its tail end.
Though it looks built for battle, it doesn’t seek meat
Your next clue is kept by the food ankylosaurus might eat!
Clue 10: The Stegosaurus (Hide the final clue or present by the stack of plates)
A stegosaurus has seventeen of these on his back
You have something named the same, all neat in a stack.
Though Stegi may need these to protect and defend.
Yours are just for meals. Go find them now – You’re at the end!
We used the clues above and created some printable images. Feel free to use for your own personal use.

Thank you for checking our our article. We hope you find these prints and labels helpful! If you get a chance, let us know what you think in the comments below or follow us on Pinterest!
if you’re looking for more Dinosaur Ideas, feel free to check out our EPIC Dinosaur Party Guide or any of our other dinosaur-themed articles with party related posts as well as days of learning fun here!
Happy Treasure Hunting!