Looking for a simple craft to add some ‘nature’ to your area? Try out this simple DIY 3D Wall Tree made with paper and other upcycled materials that you can create for less than $5!

- Paper Grocery Bags
- Green Tissue Paper
- Tape (depending on how thick you create your tree trunks, you may need a stronger adhesive like packaging tape.
- Scissors
STEP 1: Set up the Tree Trunk & Branches
To make the trunks more manageable, tear or cut open the paper grocery bag and cut them in half.

Taking one of the halved pieces, roll it up slightly so it is the width of a small tree trunk (or however wide you’d like the tree to be). Wring the rolled up paper to give it more of a crumpled look.

Create a few of these to use as the main tree trunk. Create a few smaller or thinner pieces for branches if desired.
Place your tree trunk against the wall using the tape.

STEP 2: Add the leaves.
Crumple up a few sheets of green tissue paper and tape close to the branches or on top of the trunk

STEP 3: Optionally Decorate
(Optionally) Decorate the tree with fruit, leaves, birds, or other things you’d find in trees.
Create a few more and you can have an entire forest in your room or hallway!
You can also use this as a “Reward” or “Learning Tree” where they can add a colored circle (to represent fruit) to show that they’ve done a chore, a lesson, read a book, etc…
Thank you so much for checking out our article about this simple DIY Wall tree craft. Hopefully this has helped and maybe even inspired more ideas!
If you are looking for more DIY craft ideas, please feel free to check out our other posts: Crafts for Kids and follow us on Pinterest!
Happy Creating!